Homemade Coconut Butter

By: Gus Published: Updated:

This coconut butter recipe is super easy and doesn’t take long to prepare. It’s the perfect condiment to have alongside your next meal.

Coconut Butter

If you’re curious about what coconut butter tastes like, then you wouldn’t be surprised to hear that is tastes like coconut. Hence, if you’re not a fan of coconut, it’s probably best to avoid this.

This recipe will only take about fifteen minutes before you can have it in the fridge, ready for whenever you need it. The longest part of making this butter is getting a food processor out and cleaning it afterward.

Coconut Butter Uses

You can add this butter to a meal or have it as a condiment. My personal favorite is adding it to my paleo-friendly breakfast porridge. I love to add about one tablespoon after I have finished cooking as it helps turn the porridge into a creamy coconut delight. Indeed a must-try.

This coconut butter is great as an alternative to margarine or butter. I love to spread the coconut butter on some bread as it tastes absolutely delicious. Of course, if you’re following the paleo diet, then the bread is off-limits.

Coconut Butter made with Shredded Coconut

Homemade smoothies can benefit from a tablespoon of this butter. It helps make the smoothie creamier, thicker, and it adds a bit more nutrition. It’s the ideal addition if you love the flavors of coconut.

Lastly, I recommend trying it in your next homemade curry. I recommend adding a dollop just before you go to serve. It will add a creamy coconut flavor and help counteract the spiciness of the curry.

Making Coconut Butter at Home

One of the downsides to this recipe is that you will need a food processor or blender to be able to make it. You could try other methods, but it’s unlikely to work. Also, depending on the food processor you’re using, this recipe may be harder or easier.

I use a large food processor, so I have to keep scraping down the sides so it takes a little longer to achieve that buttery goodness we’re after. If you have a smaller food processor, you probably won’t suffer this same problem.

Homemade Coconut Butter

The texture of this butter varies from being quite smooth to very grainy. It depends on how long you blend the coconut and whether you add any coconut oil to it.

Now, if you don’t have the time or you can’t get the coconut butter to the consistency you like, then you can actually buy this from the shops. I usually have to source it from a specialized store. If you’re located in the US, then you can buy it online from somewhere such as Amazon.

If you want to see how to make coconut butter at home, then be sure to check out the video I prepared below. It will take you through all the steps to making this condiment.

Coconut Butter Recipe

5/5 (100%) 1 vote
Prep Time15 Minutes
Total Time15 Minutes
Makes~200ml (7 fl oz)


  • 4 cups unsweetened shredded coconut


  1. Place the coconut into a food processor.
  2. Blitz the coconut on high speed. You may need to stop and push the coconut down off the sides of the blender if it is getting stuck.
  3. Once you have blended the coconut long enough, it should start to become runny and creamy. The longer you blend it, the creamier it will become. I find blending for 15 minutes is usually the sweet spot for having a fantastic coconut butter.
  4. Once you’re happy with the mix, simply store in the fridge or cupboard until you need to use it.

Recipe Tips

  • If you’re finding the mix isn’t blending very well or is still very dry, then you can try adding some coconut oil. I recommend adding about two tablespoons of coconut oil and then blending some more. Add more if it still isn’t turning buttery.
  • It is essential to make sure you buy a variety of coconut that isn’t sweetened. A sweetened variety can cause problems in getting this to work and taste nice. You can find unsweetened shredded coconut at pretty much any good online retailer or a local supermarket.
  • Coconut flakes are a great alternative and will work just as well as the shredded coconut.
  • If you store this in the fridge, it will solidify. It will become very un-spreadable and impossible to dip anything into the butter. However, a quick solution would be to microwave the amount you need for just a few seconds. This heat should give you that lovely rich, creamy texture you had before you placed it in the fridge.

Nutrition Information

Serving Size: 14g (0.5 oz)
Servings Per Recipe: 23
Calories Per Serving: 49
Amount Per Serving
Total Fat: 4.7g
Saturated Fat: 4.1g
Trans Fat: 0g
Total Carbohydrate: 2.1g
Dietary Fiber: 1.2g
Sugars: 0.9g
Cholesterol: 0mg
Sodium: 3mg
Protein: 0.5g

The information above is an estimate generated by an online nutrition calculator.

Posted on under Gluten-Free, Paleo, Sauces & Condiments.

More Condiment Recipes

If you love making condiments at home, then below are a few more recipes that are worth checking out.

The coconut whipped cream is perfect if you want to decorate some paleo-friendly desserts such as some apple muffins. It’s super easy to make, so I highly recommend checking it out.

Zesty lemon curd is one of my favorite condiments, and it’s super easy to make. The only downside is that it isn’t paleo-friendly. If you feel like cheating a little, then I highly suggest  that you give the curd a try.

If you have any feedback, tips, a variation, or anything else for this fantastic coconut butter recipe, then be sure to leave me a comment below.

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